Elected Mayor for Birmingham


 I am in favour of an elected Mayor for Birmingham. I am in favour of that election taking place this year. I am in favour of Birmingham having a place of influence at the top table of decision makers when decisions about investment in Birmingham are made.

The announcement last week by the Government that a referendum is to take place this May in Birmingham to set this on course is hugely welcome and a time for Brummies to speak up. Of course there are voices which oppose the move and in my view they are mistaken and will lead our city to miss an opportunity which will not return possibly for generations. They speak of the present system working well, it does not. They speak of putting power in the hands of just one person, it will not. They speak of the mayor being too powerful. I doubt it, but I want him or her to be powerful. They speak of this being the wrong time. Rubbish, there is never a 100% right time for anything and this is the right time to boost our morale and our hopes especially for our young people.

Birmingham’s elected Mayor needs to be a respected and successful leader already, someone with a proven track record working across the borders of our own nation and beyond, someone with a belief in Birmingham and its people – whatever their creed, background, where they live, what they do; possess excellent people management skills, the ability to listen as well as talk, courage, confidence and a special talentl to communicate with audiences of every level. And of course a man or woman with the energy and age profile to give the time and enthusiasm to this task.

Is there such a person who will come forward ? There are those who have already declared their hands, I applaud them and I challenge those who have not yet put their names in the hat to come forward. Don’t sit on the fence and wait for May. At long last our business community has said “yes”; even some of the councillors are beginning to think it’s a great idea; but the real test is for the ordinary Brummie to also say “yes”, and that’s the only one voice which counts.

What an outstanding opportunity for the elected mayor ? A unique opportunity to lead one of the great industrial cities of Britain, and yes of the world, a city which has given and continues to give so much in every field, whether it’s our unique industrial heritage, our first class professional and academic skills, our improving facilities and cultural environment in which to live, learn and hopefully succeed. A city of over one million people, WOW what a challenge !

So fellow Brummies, now is the time to speak up. On May 3rd only about thirteen weeks away, we can make the choice between the Premier Division and languishing down at the bottom of the municipal league. We have always enjoyed the reputation of being bold – even brash – and now is the time to demonstrate that boldness and brashness. Put the date in your diary now, let’s turn out in our thousands and vote “yes”, not a paltry 20% or 25% but a great 75% or 85% and show we care for Birmingham, its future and the challenges to give our children a better city despite the very real problems we face at the current time. However bad our current situation is, it will pass and it will improve. Let the right man or right woman step forward to lead us to better times and let every Brummie also accept the responsibility to make this happen.

Sir Bernard adds his support for an Elected Mayor for Birmingham and urges local politicians and businesspeople to stand up and be counted [see Birmingham Post  18th August 2011]